I offer individuals, couples, families and groups an opportunity to experience the Berkshire outdoors while receiving professional and integrative counseling.  When treatment necessitates or during inclimate weather, clients may still enjoy a connection to the outdoors while meeting inside a comfortable office located just a few paces from Kennedy Park and Chocolate Springs Cafe (an adjunct treatment as well!). 

Meeting with me during outdoor experiences is a great way to encounter healthy connections with yourself, others and your environment.  Learning how to be comfortable outdoors in a variety of activities and seasons can be very empowering along with many other health benefits such as stress reduction, increased concentration, improved mood, sharpened senses, and strengthening community.  Many clients, youth and adults alike, have found this digital detox essential to their development and have benefited from "Vitamin N" prescriptions to receive a regular dosage of time outside.  

Services Available:

Professional Counseling

Eric offers a customized approach for couples, families, individuals and children with a variety of life struggles, skill deficits and adjustment symptoms and diligently searches for, evaluates, and applies the best data and practices of the behavioral and social sciences through an integrative mix of theories such as Person-Centered, Gestalt, Family Systems, Performance Psychology, Positive Psychology, Biofeedback, Eco-psychology, and Cognitive-Behavior.  

Guided Mood Walks
Gentle, guided walks that support well-being through sensory immersion 
in forests and other naturally healing environments.  Go to a Forest. Walk slowly. Breathe. Open all your senses. This is the healing way of Shinrin-yoku Forest Therapy, the medicine of simply being in the forest.  Forest Therapy is a research-based framework for supporting healing and wellness through immersion in forests and other natural environments. In Japan it is called "shinrin yoku," which translates to "forest bathing." Studies have demonstrated a wide array of health benefits, especially in the cardiovascular and immune systems, and for stabilizing and improving mood and cognition. Eric is excited to offer this new certified practicein a forest near you.

Masculine Formation

Boys and men need a path to develop their masculine identity.  Many cultures facilitate ceremonies and passages to mark the preparation and completion of important life stages.  A vast percentage of men's masculine identities in recent generations are "underdeveloped" and many men often feel alone in their journey. They are "stuck" and struggle to find mentors to guide them through.  

Eric mentors individuals and groups on this journey.  With over 400 overnights leading youth, adolescents and young adults on wilderness expeditions and as a certified Wilderness First Resonder for the last 20 years, Eric is capable of creating prescriptive and safe adventures for boys and men to discover who they are. 

Performance Counseling  

Evaluation of an individual athlete's current mental skills, development and implementation of an individual plan to improve specific mental skills. Consultation with team managers, coaches, staff and players regarding morale, communications, and team building.  Group educational programs for athletes, parents, and coaches focused on specific topics. Small seminars are conducted on-site for specific groups. Programs are specifically designed to meet the needs of the group.

Early Childhood Mental Health Services​

As a specialist in early childhood mental health, Eric offers many techniques for counseling children and parents-play therapy, filial therapy, social emotional development coaching for teachers, providers and parents, school-based counseling, nature therapy and prevention education in a variety of knowledge and skill areas. 

Early Care Training & Coaching 

Trained in the Pyramid Model for Social and Emotional development and school readiness, Eric works with early childhood providers and caregivers to provide assistance in learning a new skill, or in building upon an existing skill. Coaches may model the correct use of a particular procedure, give coachees feedback on the use of new skills, and/or provide teachers with materials and other resources to aid in their use of new skills and procedures.  The role of the coach is to provide a supportive and encouraging environment in which the learner and coach can jointly reflect on current practices, apply new skills and competencies with feedback, and problem-solve challenging situations.